What I like about my brother, Steve, aside from his penchant for puns, is his ability to 'go with the flow'. Take for example, the time we were sitting in my truck in the parking lot of the Northern Light Inn in L'Anse Au Clair, Labrador...
We had just come from a week of salmon fishing in Quebec, but weren't quite ready to head home. We decided to spend a couple of days exploring coastal Labrador. As non-residents without a guide, we were restricted to fishing for trout within 800 meters of the highway. Steve and I blundered along, fishing every pond on the way to Red Bay and back again. By chance, we stopped at a convenience store and the girl at the counter remembered us.
"How was your fishin'?" she asked.
"Not bad - lots of trout, but no size, " I replied.
"Well, it couldn't have been any worse than my luck last night," she continued. "I heard a splash, looked down - the handle of my reel had dropped right in the drink."
"What were you fishing for?" I inquired.
"Sea trout," was her response.
"Any size?" I asked.
"I've caught 'em t'ree and four pounds," she replied. My eyes got real big!!
"Where do you fish?" I queried.
"Buckle's Point."
"Two out of three!" I called. The coin was flipped once more - tails again!Gotta love that guy!
"@#$% it! Let's go fishin!", said Steve.
Good Luck and Good Fishin'!
- Random Phrump
Good memories Warren,
If I ever create a family crest for my branch, I just may use that quote as the motto. "@#$k it! Let's go fishing".
Lot's of good writing lately. Jeez, we do a lot of fishing. No wonder there is no time to mow that pesky lawn.
BTW- I removed my earlier comment because of a typo, misspelled "@#$k"
Thanks for the encouragement, Steve. I always look forward to reading your blog. I'd like to write a little blurb about your site, if you don't mind...
I'd be honoured. I have some new accessories and stuff I've been working on but have been too lazy, sorry meant to say busy, to bring on-line yet. Maybe in the Spring. Some of it is pretty neat.
I'd like to hear you tell a bit more about the Buckles Point surf- fishing technique you figured out. I still laugh when I think of looking down that strip of shore and seeing everybody with their rods tucked into their armpits.
Now, the only problem is; when commenting should I refer to you as Random, Random Phrump, Mr. Phrump, Randy, Randy P., R.P., or what?
I fully intend to write that story and more... all in good time.
OK - about the persona - why Random Phrump? First of all, that name is associated with my good friend, Barry Anderson. 35 years ago we were living in a small house on the Mersey River with brother Dave, and a keyboard player, Larry somebody... my memory fails me. We had a rather unsavory reputation among the parents of the local young girls - the word 'bohunks' comes to mind.
Barry and I were thinking of names for our musical association, I believe we were sticking to the 'bohunk' conceptual frame of mind, and Random Phrump was one of our choices. We thought it was hilarious, and for many years continued to use it in our correspondence. BTW, Barry still calls me from St. Paul MN about every couple of weeks.
I like the associations that cling to the name. I also like the fact that it is a completely original name. Google 'Random Phrump' you won't get a million hits - you'll land right here.
Maybe you really want to know WHY the persona?
It's all good Warren.
I have not heard anyone use "bohunk" in a long time.
Wonder what it means? I know what the intention was when using it.
The WHY question, well that's I suspect another thing entirely.
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